اعلانات دعائية

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Healthy food

Healthy food

Your body needs energy to function normally and keeps you alive.

Different food groups:
Your body needs energy to function normally and keeps you alive. Are obtained this energy from nutrients in food that you eat. And form of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.Minerals and vitamins important nutrient in your diet which helps your body to stay healthy.And must be your diet contains food from each of the following groups:
* Starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc..
* Fruits and vegetables.
* Milk and dairy products.
* Protein foods. They contain meat, fish, eggs, dairy and other sources of proteins, including (walnuts or nuts, tofu, beans, legumes, etc.).
* Fatty and sugary foods is the fifth food group you eat. However, should contain a very small group of your food on fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the above, the addition of a lot of fiber and water to your diet is one of the very important things for your health.

What are the benefits of a healthy diet?
The system can a healthy diet can help prevent many serious diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It may also help to reduce the risk of developing some cancers. If you become sick, the healthy eating may help you to heal more quickly. Also, there is a way essential to prevent obesity and overweight is healthy eating. If you are overweight or suffer from obesity, eating healthy food will help reduce your weight.
What is a healthy diet?
As a general rule, the starchy foods, fruits and vegetables should provide the bulk of your meal and the food. About a third of your diet should be made up of starchy foods and about one-third of fruit and vegetables. The remaining third of your diet should be a component of milk and dairy products and protein foods. As already mentioned above, you must specify the amount of food and drink high in fat and sugars. It includes the following tips for a healthy diet:

1. Eat plenty of carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates)
As mentioned earlier, the starchy foods such as bread, breakfast cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta, all with fruit and vegetables should form the bulk of most meals.
Some people think starchy foods error that caused obesity. In fact, they contain about half the calories in the same size or weight of fat. (However, it is easy to add fat to some starchy foods. For example, by adding butter to the potatoes or bread, or by adding oil to the potatoes to make chips, etc.).
Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for your body. And sometimes starchy foods contain plenty of fiber (bran). When you eat starchy foods, you feel the fullness (satiety) which helps to control appetite. As it also contains some vitamins and minerals important to your health.
May include some of the steps necessary to increase starchy foods follows:
* For most meals, make sure that there is a part (share) of carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, baked potatoes, or bread.
* For more fiber, choose whole grains, brown rice, pasta or full. And for pastry flour, use whole grains.
* If you're dealing with cornflakes for breakfast, choose porridge, high fiber cereals, whole green beans (not containing sugar).
* Eating cake, tea cakes, fruit cakes, or normal, rather than the local cakes and biscuits.

2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
It is recommended that we take at least five portions (servings) of fruits or vegetables every day. If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, the chances of heart disease, stroke, or cancer of the bowel may be reduced. In addition, the vegetables and fruit:
* Contain a lot of fiber which helps in maintaining a healthy gut. Thus, problems such as constipation and diverticulosis are infrequent.
* Contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary to keep you healthy.
* Low fat.
* Make you feel fuller, but Kulailhbalsarat heat.

Aldzoualuahd equivalent of fruit or vegetables roughly the following:
* One large fruit such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, or a large slice of melon or pineapple.
* Vaketin small, such as plum, kiwi, tangerine .. Etc..
* A cup (or handful) of the smaller fruit such as grapes, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, etc..
* Tablespoons of fruit salad, canned fruit.
* One tablespoon of dried fruit.
* One cup of fresh fruit juice (150 ml).
* Three tablespoons of any vegetable.
* A small dish of Sulthalkhdhar.

Some of the steps that help to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet:
* Try some different types, which were not been tried by Aogerb other forms such as juices, canned food, freezers and dryers.
* Try add chunks of banana, apple, or to other breakfast cereals (cornflakes).
* Try to put at least two different types of vegetables to your meals and most basic. Do not boil vegetables but use a lot of water vapor, stir-frying, boiling or light Altisaad to keep the food good.
* Always try to take fruit or juice with every meal.
* Try to experiment with new recipes that contain fruit. For example, cooking that contains fruit such as dried apricots. Some candy fruit. Or fruit with yogurt (milk).
* Fruit is very good for snacks. Encourage children to snack with fruit instead of candy.

3. Eat plenty of fiber (bran)
Fiber is the part that does not digest food. Usually give a sense of satiety, but with little calories. It helps your bowel to move regularly, which reduces constipation and other bowel problems. Fiber can also help to reduce the level of cholesterol.
Contain starchy foods, fruits and vegetables most of the fibers. Therefore, the steps described above for the section on starchy foods, fruits and vegetables, increase fiber. If fully converted to rice, pasta and wholemeal bread (Asmar), this will increase the amount of fiber you eat. Also, legumes such as lentils and beans are also full of fiber. Try to drink a lot when you eat fiber-rich Gmaoua (at least 6-8 glasses of fluids a day).

4. Eating milk and dairy products are sufficiently
The milk and other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt (milk when the people of Sham) are very important in your diet as it provides calcium which is essential for teeth and bone health. It is also a source of proteins and can provide some vitamins and minerals other important and necessary for your health. Other foods such as butter and cream are not considered foods from dairy products as they are here Mrtfon in the proportion of fat, so it comes under the group of fatty foods.
To make sure you've got enough on the amount of calcium in your diet, you need to three servings a day from this food group. A shares are:
* 200 million of milk.
* In a small bowl of yogurt (150 grams).
* 30 grams of cheese (in almost the size of a matchbox).
Since the content of fat in the milk can vary or varies if you must make sure that you are dealing with a few fat as possible, or demilitarized such as milk, low-fat, low-fat cheese and yogurt and low-fat.

5. Eating other protein foods are moderately
Other foods that contain protein are meat, fish, eggs, and other non-dairy sources of protein (such as walnuts or nuts, and legumes such as lentils and chickpeas).
You need a certain amount of protein to maintain your health. Proteins are very important for your body energy and growth, as well as to repair the cells in the body. Some of these protein-rich foods can also be a source of iron and vitamins, including vitamin B and vitamin d. However, most people eat more protein than necessary. Also, some kinds of meat are high fat. Choose poultry such as chicken, lean meat. Also, watch out also some of the meat and meals that may contain Bedasalsat Alaahibdezm or cream and high in calories. Eating boiled eggs instead of Kulaih.
There is some evidence that eating oily fish helps protect against heart disease. Oily fish include: herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna (not canned), herring, anchovies, swordfish. It is believed that the fatty acids of Oumaja - 3 found in fish oil help to reduce disease and hardening of the arteries that causes heart attacks and diphtheria. I'm working on eating at least two types Manalhss of fish each week, one should be oily.

6. Do not eat many fat
You are already in need to the amount of fat in your diet but you must be careful on the amount of fat you eat as well as for the quality of fat. Helps low-fat diet to reduce your chances of certain diseases such as heart disease and strokes. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight. You should not eat lots of saturated fats such as butter, regular, or tallow.Unsaturated fats are better for health, such as sunflower oil, olive oil, butter and low-fat.
Here are some tips to reduce the level of fat in your food:
* Do not fry food whenever possible. Where it's best barbecue, bread and chard. If you Bakulai, use unsaturated oil. Filter the oil from the food before eating.
* Select lean meat and cut off any excess fat.
* To avoid adding any unnecessary fat reduced Zubdhaly example, bread, and using a minimal amount of oil for sweets, etc..
* Note you must Almkhbih fat in the pastry, Cicolah, cakes, biscuits ..
Eat low-fat milk, as well as for cheese, yogurt and other dairy products instead of other high-fat varieties.
* Further from the cream of power. Use the power of low-fat, low-fat yogurt or as an alternative.

7. Do not take a lot of sugary foods or drinks
The foods and sugary drinks are very high in calories, many of which cause an increase in weight. It is not only the amount of sugar that may be bad. Even eating a small amount of sugary foods (candy, etc.) and on an ongoing basis often Adharbosinank.
The following steps will help to mitigate the sugars:
* Try not to add sugar to tea, coffee, and breakfast cereals. You will find that your taste or your sense of sweetness will change with time. Industrial sweeteners used in only when you need them.
* Try to reduce sugar in any type of food recipes. Use the fruit as an alternative to add sugar to recipes.
* Try to drink sugar-free drinks. Given to the children drink the water essential to them.
* If you eat chocolate or candy, try reducing the quantity as much as possible. Also try to eat as part of the meal, then wash your teeth well, and this is the best of eating between meals.

8. Do not eat too much salt
That too much salt increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. The guidance advises that we should not we take more than 6 grams of Almlhyumia. (Most people in the UK currently consume more than this amount). If I used a lot of salt, try to gradually reduce the quantity. You will find that Owen Taste for salt will change in the end.

The following steps help you to reduce salt:
* Use herbs and spices to change the taste of the food instead of salt.
* Reduce the amount of salt used in cooking, do not put salt on the dining table.
* Chose food labeled "without adding any salt."
* Avoid processed foods as much as possible, and sauces rich in salt, and junk food, and cans of soup, which are often high in salt.

9. Do not forget the size of the meal, which dealt with
May already be eating healthy food, but you still need to put your eyes and your concentration on the size of the meal you eat, because if they were too large will remain overweight. Try to take smaller amounts at each meal. Do not feel like you have to finish your plate. Change your plate in the kitchen cupboard (which may be substantial) to the dish less in size. This way you will reduce the amount of your food clearly. Try to Tmlae your stomach in fruits and vegetables. Ask for a smaller amount when dealing with or taking junk food.

10. Think about what you drink
Many drinks contain calories, including Almhorbac alcoholic beverages and many other non-alcoholic. Think about what you drink.
Chose non-alcoholic beverages Health

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