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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Body consists of millions of cells that need energy to function normally

Body consists of millions of cells that need energy to function normally


Some turn the food we eat into glucose, a type of sugar. Moves glucose into cells through the bloodstream. Glucose is the most important materials needed by cells for energy production. There are two conditions for the entry of glucose into the cell. Must have a sufficient number of cell "doors" or so-called receptors. And you need the cell to a substance called insulin to "open" these receptors. When a sufficient number of receptors and insulin necessary for glucose to enter the open cell and helps to produce energy.Energy without all the cells die.
Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas chemical.
Supports changing the level of insulin in the blood glucose in the blood. The cause of diabetes difficult to get cells to glucose is necessary for energy production.
The first type is caused by damage to cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Patients with type I diabetes, the increase in the level of glucose in the blood due to lack of insulin.
The second type causing a corresponding lack of receptors in cells that allow the entry of glucose and not a lack of insulin. So cause Type II diabetes is increasing in the level of glucose in the blood as well.

Diet and diabetes:

That a healthy diet, balanced and necessary for all patients with diabetes in particular.
You can control the level of blood sugar through successfully:
* Maintain ideal weight.
* Attention to the quality of food.
* The amount of attention to eating.
Changes in the system help eating and lifestyle of some patients with Type II diabetes to control the disease very well, so do not need drugs.
Altafh constantly consumes the body to maintain the temperature within normal limits and performance of its functions normally.
Energy is measured in calories or calorimetry. Calorie is a unit of energy obtained by the body from the foods we eat. The amount of calories needed by the person on the age and weight and the level of movement and metabolism. Where objects with a huge need to more calories than those with small sizes because the body needs energy heavy than skinny body. It also needs people who have a lot of movement to more calories than low-motion. And may require persons who are equal age and size and the level of movement to different amounts of calories because some people burn more calories than others. Also affect conditions on the process of metabolism ( metabolism). The process of metabolism in patients with thyroid does not secrete enough of the hormone is slower than others. When dealing with a person more than he needs the amount of calories, excess calories accumulate in the tissues in the body Aldhlih leading to weight gain. When dealing with a person less than he needs the calories, burn body fat for the production of calories leading to weight loss. Control the level of blood sugar should be maintained at an ideal weight Qdralamkan. Is people who do not gain weight by twenty percent from the ideal weight and obese.
To get rid of excess weight on these people eating less than they need the calories.

Food groups:
Food is divided into six food groups:
* Fat and cholesterol
* Proteins
* Carbohydrates
* Vitamins
* Minerals
* Fiber
Equal to one gram of fat nine calories. It also contains carbohydrates and proteins to four calories per gram. Should get a percentage of only thirty percent of total calories from fat. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Available carbohydrates and simple sugars, honey and syrup and carbonated water. Available carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables and bread and breakfast cereals made from whole grains and beans and dried peas and beans and justice.
More than simple carbohydrates, blood sugar more than complex carbohydrates. Blocking complex carbohydrates hunger for longer. The complex carbohydrates such as grain, full better than others because they contain a high content of fiber.
Equal to one gram of carbohydrates four calories should be obtained on the proportion of fifty to sixty percent of total calories from carbohydrates.
Proteins are essential for the body is available in: Meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, nuts. Equal to one gram of protein four calories should be obtained on ten to twenty percent of the total calories from protein.
The body can not produce vitamins and minerals, but it obtained. The body is exposed to serious diseases due to lack of vitamins and minerals.
Also caused an increase vitamins diseases as well. It is therefore necessary to consult a physician about vitamin pills available without a prescription.
Vitamins include:
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin B
* Vitamin C.
* Vitamin D
* Vitamin K
Minerals include:
* Salt, sodium, sodium chloride or NaCl
* Potassium chloride or potassium Kcl
* Calcium
* Iron
Available fiber in foods derived from animals Kalkhdhar and fruit.
Balkhca?n maintain fiber known to the survival of normal defecation process may help protect against colon cancer
Fiber not more than the calories because the body is not absorbed by the

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