The benefits of milk and soy
The soybean diet complete with all the meanings of the word which is the richest of wheat materials protein four times and richer than cow's milk in calcium twice and richest of all grains and legumes in minerals and vitamins by 10 times and contains soy to 37% by weight protein and 18% fatty substances and 24% carbohydrates and 47% fiber Selloseh The calorific value amounts to 406 either its usefulness is not limited to the plant itself, there are many industries rely on soybeans mainly companions butter is extracted from the type of industrial high nutritional value is also used part of it remaining in a number of chemical industries either sap dried vegetables are given as feed for livestock The big surprise is soy milk Due to the large number of fatty substances in the soybean was extracted emulsion particular it more useful than regular milk and is compared m goat milk and taken mixed with boiling water and more people are suffering allergic to regular milk found a solution in the soy milk, which is extracted from a type of cheese is also rich in phospholipids and fatty
Reduction of blood pressure
According to a recent study published in the journal (Nutrition) .. That drinking soy milk regularly helps in reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. The researchers found after follow-up 40 people with high average blood pressure, drank one liter per day of soy milk or cow's milk normal for three months, that people who consumed soy milk have seen significant reductions in blood pressure readings systolic and diastolic, compared with those who drank milk cows ... They noted after three months, the average systolic blood pressure, a reading higher pressure, decreased by about 18.4 mm Hg, and decreased diastolic blood pressure, a reading of lower pressure, at about 15.9 mm Hg in the group that took soy ...
According to doctors at the University of Michigan, U.S., that this decline is very similar to what caused the decline of many antihypertensive medications, suggesting that drinking soy milk for three months is sufficient to return blood pressure to high normal limits.
Note: soy milk available markets and the production of several brands and Tkdra buy from Safeway or any supermarket and these are his image
The method of preparation or manufacture of milk and soy milk Soy milk-yogurt (at home)
Soak the soya beans in cold water for 24 hours.
Put 3 serves beans in a blender with 3 volumes of water and then the role of the mixer for 3 minutes.
Add 5 volumes of water and then boil the mixture, stirring until boiling and boil before.
Turn off the fire and wait 30 minutes then place the milk in a screen or filter of the filter.
Add milk to make one tablespoon milk plain soy milk to lukewarm and leave somewhere warm and dark for 24 hours.
Characterized by soybean from the rest of the other types of pulses that contains all eight essential amino acids necessary for human body to make protein. This makes it an excellent source of complete protein especially for vegetarians. As distinguished from the animal protein that is free of grease and cholesterol.
Soy contains a larger amount of protein and fat than any other type of pulses and also contains a substance called an enzyme inhibitor antitrypsin, which may cause indigestion if eating soy raw without any cooking. However, soaking, cooking and fermentation of soybean damage of this article and removes harmful impact.
Of the benefits of soy beans work to mitigate the risk of heart disease, the followers of a diet based on eating sufficient amounts of soy products contributes to the reduction of heart disease, Vahbub soy contain low levels of saturated fat and devoid entirely of cholesterol, but at the same time very rich in protein therefore is a great alternative to meat in our diet.
Also, the protein lowers cholesterol levels in the body, studies show that 25 grams of soy protein is sufficient for a person, in addition to that, the soy protein reduces cholesterol from oxidation, which would damage the arteries. Soy beans also contain a substance called genistein, which limit the growth of layer plaque that accumulate inside arteries, as well as this article will help in reducing the blood clots.
Mitigate the risk of cancer, a healthy diet is one of the things that reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, according to scientists, the one meal of soy products that will protect the rights of injury in several types of cancer such as lung cancer, colon, rectum, stomach, prostate , and breast cancer.
Meal consisting of half a cup of tofu or soy beans or a cup of soy milk longer sufficient to protect humans from infection to invasive advanced cancer. Fried isoflavone works as a protector of cancer in addition to genistein substance that stops the growth of cancer cells by interfering with enzymatic activity of cancer cells, it is also resistant to cancers that depend on hormones such as prostate cancer and breast cancer.
Soybeans help in the prevention of osteoporosis, said eating soybeans is one of the best ways to build strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and the soybeans to work on the bones in three ways:
1. This grain is rich in calcium which contains the glass half of tofu has 130 mg of calcium, and soy milk per cup contains about 80 mg.
2. Soy protein helps to maintain calcium in the body, when people eat soy products instead of animal proteins, they dispose of less calcium through urination.
3. Compounds, isoflavones in soybeans, especially diadezein prevent bones from breaking easily.
Soy resistant to diabetes, that diabetes is a lack of insulin in the body to burn sugar · whether or not the utilization of insulin, which means the existing high levels of sugar in the body. Usually the people with diabetes more susceptible to heart disease and can get their eyes and kidneys and nerves harm as a result of this disease. The best diet for this disease is made up of low-fat and a rich mixture of carbohydrates as well as the average consumption of protein.
Soybeans help people with diabetes in two ways:
1. Eating soy leads to slower absorption of glucose in the blood. Which means that eating these foods does not raise blood sugar dramatically which gives insulin in the body a chance to work more effectively.
2. Soy protein helps in the prevention and control of some of the complications that result from diabetes, such as clogged arteries and kidney disease, by lowering cholesterol in the blood.
Soy reduce the risk of kidney disease, the protein-rich foods help the kidneys to filter blood more energy has proven to be a protein found in soy does not pay the kidneys to work with more energy so it is advisable for people with kidney disease to dispense with animal protein and substituting protein found in soy.
Soy help alleviate symptoms of menopause, women who eat half a cup of soy products per day Fitn that the symptoms of menopause access to be lighter.
Isoflavones compounds, called phytoestrogens also have properties similar to the estrogen produced by the human body, but weaker effect but this effect helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause access.
"Announced the medical associations that the consumption of this milk should be the scope is limited to children and avoid in infants, and recommended its use in adults in moderate quantities to fit on (Alvaitwastroyjan), which may affect the hormones in the body if used this milk in abundance, which may result in the inability to fertility in males . "
"Advised women with breast cancer or those with factors make them more susceptible to infection by avoiding the use of this milk, but consult a medical, and is recommended to use soy milk for those who have an allergy to milk or has a shortage of the enzyme Alhazem of sugar found in milk, leading to infection swollen abdomen and gases. "
Note: Soy beans are a type of legumes, like chickpeas, but younger than him and can not be consumption of these pills as they are, but by conversion to milk or cheese.
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