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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The reality at the gym

The reality at the gym

If you take a look around at a gym today this is the
situation: there are only a few people who are very
muscular. Some others are very skinny and have problems
to build up muscles. All the others are in between these two

Especially at the “hardcore” gyms there are a lot of people
using steroids.

A lot of them want to become just like the gym’s “elite”,
just as massive. Unfortunately that doesn’t really work,
even if they use the same steroids. For this reason, they take
more and more steroids but it doesn’t really help.

Once again a question of genetics? If you are talking about
“genetics” in it’s classical meaning, it’s impossible. A lot of
the more muscular men belong to the mesomorph body
type, who should reach the best results. But they don’t
reach the same results like the gym’s “elite”
The gym’s “elite” often cannot help in that case. They have
been  taking their steroids for a long time, and it simply
worked for them. Through their personal training
experience they have a lot of good tips. But these tips don’t
work for the people who want to gain more muscle mass.
The key must be hidden in the training – but where?
There are a lot of sub-categories between the no-doping

Basically you can make a distinction between people who
have build up good muscle mass and people who would
like to have this muscle mass.
Often those who have problems gaining muscle mass have
a big collection of books and magazines. They hope to find
the decisive tricks here.

But they won’t find any solutions here, the loads of
information they will find inside the magazines might even
scare them!

There are new published super programs they partially try.
Some work, some don’t. Occasionally their goals will be

The additional tips to optimise their food or to test a new
supplement – doesn’t really work. They take supplements
that worked great for others, but they will only get a minor

The search goes on, they read about two very opposite
topics – HIT and volume.

Most magazines primarily publish “volume training”. But
sooner or later they stumble over HIT Training which
should be the solution for hardgainers. That’s why they try
HIT. It looked simple, but turned out to be a rock-hard

The results at the beginning seem to be promising. The
training units are terribly tough.It is a fact that predefined things are very hard to realize

And they have learned that they have to give the maximum
to stimulate muscle growth. It seems to be the key to
success in training, but this training is so hard and full of
frustrations. It’s no fun anymore. Some have success, others
quit completely and some return to their conventional
training style.

Is HIT really the key to success? Does a good training have
to be so hard and frustrating?
I can tell you something right now – Now – there is a
system which surpasses all others and it’s fun. A
program which makes you look forward to the next
training with continuing success.
In the now following chapter I will further discuss both
training theories.

Maybe you think you know everything about them, but you
really should read this. You will see how simple everything
can be, when you understand the coherency.

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