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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Beware of these foods are the real enemy of Rchaguetk

Beware of these foods are the real enemy of Rchaguetk

We all love the slim body free from diseases, but we unfortunately do not realize we are dealing with many of the foods that we know without it really harmful to our health, and cause us to obesity and chronic diseases may in the long run.

We review with you the ten most food fight harm your health and fitness, the avoided:

White Rice:

White rice is a serious of foods that make you feel hungry after a short period of dealt with, as a result it helps to increase the proportion of sugar in the blood which reduces the rate of infusion of insulin and increases the rate of absorption of glucose in the blood Vthimin food quickly and you feel hungry.

Sweetened breakfast cereals:

Do not forget when buying breakfast cereals to read the ingredients written on the packaging of the back, to make sure it is a few seeds of calories, usually when you buy breakfast cereal do you think it is a healthy meal free of any components of the increase weight, but when you read what is written on the packaging discover that they contain ahigh sugar!.

Therefore, the best choice of all is to buy a breakfast cereal that contains over 13 grams of sugar with a gram of fiber, 2 grams protein, provided with milk. You also could try to buy breakfast cereals of oats or whole grain scattering with a few pieces of fruit from the top, it is the perfect choice to lose excess weight.

Snack "Snack":

Snacks dilemma of problems really, as it includes many of the snacks "snack" on a small percentage of protein and fat, which does not happen with a balance of carbohydrates intake with them, to be the result of energy loss from the body quickly.

Consequently, when you feel that your body has become weak and you need energy to continue today, it is eating more food is your pass for more activity and vitality, to do any good in the end you are eating large amounts of calories during the day.

Cookies and candy bars:

Contains cookies and candy bars small "Albonboni" a high content of sugar, sugar, ranging from 37 - 66.6 per 100 grams of cookies or candy bars, so be sure to take them up with nuts.


Applied the jelly of my favorite desserts of all, but should note well that most types of jelly in the market, contains 19 grams of carbohydrate extracted from sugar of course.

French fries and Eldonts:

Although the taste of fried potatoes and Eldonts delicious, they are simply considered to be the enemies of fitness because they Mkulaian components in the oil and sugar, which is a key element in them.

Experts say that eating is one of the fries is more dangerous than drinking one cigarette, while the average Eldonts calories in one piece ranges from 200 to 300 calories. It consists of sugar and a little food value.

Canned fruit juice:

It is known that the sugar in fruit pieces called "fructose", which is less dangerous than sucrose, which increases the level of sugar in the blood, but there are some fruits that contain a high percentage of sugar that appears clearly in the taste, such as dates and bananas and mangoes and figs and grapes, and fruits that contain a low percentage of sugar are berries, oranges and grapefruit and lemon, strawberry and others.

While the rate of sugar in dried fruit, canned fruit juices be higher than the sugar found in fresh fruits, fruit drying process where water from the inside out, leaving the sugar beads by highly concentrated, and the work of canned juice is eliminated from the fiber in the fruit.

Therefore, nutrition experts advise taking pills or drinking fruit juice fresh, until you have all the nutritional values in fruit, with controlling the amount of sugar in the juice.


Scientific studies have shown that people who drink to drink soda, they are more susceptible to later heart disease and dental erosion and obesity, and energy drinks called sports drinks are also working on the erosion of the teeth and Tsusha as it contains a high percentage of sugar.

That is why experts advise you to drink water and milk as Cha?an, a better understanding of two soft drinks can be taken up between meals.

Chinese noodles, "noodles" (Indomie):

Make Chinese noodles from flour and water, and the formation of paste on the body forms a spiral or "small tubes", and then subjected to steam and fry a little to get rid of moisture, and finally packed in bags and sold with a small bag of spices that contain the different flavors such as "shrimp, chicken or beef or mushrooms.

The danger lies in that the bag of spices containing 1560 grams of sodium, while scientific studies say that the human body needs From 1200 to 1440 grams of sodium.

In some cases, contain noodles over 3000 grams of sodium, because they have suffered more than frying, which makes it not contain high nutritional value, and the major disaster that are not known to many is that the bag of spices on Balnodlz contains a so-called "salt of sodium or glutamic acid, "which causes long-term Alzheimer's disease.

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