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Saturday, February 11, 2012

3 steps are essential to lose weight loss

3 steps are essential to lose weight loss

Guide us specialist nutrition, doctors nutrition and treatment of obesity magazine OK about how to get rid of excess weight easily in the short period of time with no sense of deprivation by the circles many foundations have to be familiar with them when the system will work to lose weight, any system for weight loss should be based on the three sides of the first: Sharpen force mental to achieve your goal rid of excess weight and regain your health and beauty, and secondly: the importance of commitment to a proper diet provides the body's basic needs and provides it with enough water and nutrients necessary and thirdly: the need for vaccination of this system, exercise that suits your abilities and tastes were suited to walking or climbing stairs or riding a bike fixed or even dancing.

1 - initial basic rules when you start to follow a diet is the presence of sincerity and strong will can not succeed any health system, but the availability of real desire and determination to get rid of excess weight, which is now called obesity because of its serious complications and adverse effect and direct the health physical psychological and understand the effects of this disease and the problems caused by

And the second instructions psychological need to address mental illness such as depression and face the problems and strikes as the feeling of tension and stress, depression and asphyxia, the unit makes you want to eat more food to Ashaouraa to overcome those negative feelings and psychological, so has to start the person first addressing the cause of the problem from the root in order to achieve success in getting rid the problem of obesity or obesity

2 - Atbdo to follow a particular system without being aware of whether this system will provide the body with all he needs to appear in good health or not is usually overlooked important elements in helping the body to perform its functions and to resort to diets food lacks sugars and fats, and these elements are essential for the production of some vehicles chemical for brain and many away from carbohydrates and starches in their diets, although recent studies have emphasized the importance of weight loss

It is noted at the beginning of a system of diet that weight at least at first rapidly and then quickly below the rate of decline and slow down the process of reducing the weight and the natural reaction of the body that maintains the stock has when he feels that he is going through the process of starving and here must focus on the importance of receiving those around you praise, encouragement and even continue beyond this time period and to maintain enthusiasm in the recovery of your health and your beauty and get rid of excess kilos

3 - the importance of exercise, sport will not help you just to get rid quickly of excess weight, but it helps you to keep with the body and circulatory active and strong and gives you also gloss vitality and freshness of health and attractiveness of beauty and protect you from exposure to the sagging skin or the fluidity and sagging body parts filled and which has been eliminated the areas of obesity

- Recognize the need to reduce weight slowly so as not to acquire the body kilograms of fat quickly after stopping the diet so that the ideal to lose body kg. Two kg every week and it is important to know that even when the exercise practiced slowly and carefully and focus, this protects you from feeling tired quickly or an accident or a feeling of pain or reduced as to make you all of your muscles to benefit the maximum extent possible

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