اعلانات دعائية

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Green tea helps in weight loss

Green tea helps in weight loss

Several experiments that drinking green tea is directly related to excess weight loss as it helps the body burn fat added to the many benefits of green tea such as delay signs of aging skin wrinkles, for example, prevention of cancer and even in the strength and physical activity or sexual.

It is important to drink green tea regularly, and for a reasonable period for the emergence of the results, you should drink green tea at least once or twice a day, preferably the best results drink three to four times per day.

And method of preparation of green tea to boil the water pure and Tsakbah in a glass inside some of the papers, green tea powder, wait three minutes and then a national graduate papers, tea, and often will float on the surface or will be the size of a large puffy easily be removed, do not leave paper in the water more than five minutes .

There are bags of green tea is designed to facilitate the task as used tea bag each time the same way. However, we recommend that you use dried tea leaves instead of tea bags is not too bad after all.

Prefer to drink green tea after meals and can drink at any time, especially for the interest as it quickly within a few days you will find an improvement in health in general and the Note will begin and how your weight has begun to return to normal of course next to the other notes and exercise.

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